Thursday, December 18, 2014

Finals Week Mix Tape

It's been a while since last I wrote and wow do I have a backlog of sciencey stuff about which to nerd-out, but it's Finals Time around here. And that can mean only one thing.    

We need a mix tape.

I submit for your consideration my patented Finals Week Playlist, as appropriate for those taking finals as it is for those writing/grading them.  I think this is most effective as a Dance Party Break between bouts of studying/grading.  Explanations are provided for each entry; be warned that some selections involve adult language.

I have yet to make it through a semester without having this end up on repeat during Finals Week (and the weeks leading up to Finals Week. let's be honest here).  It is inspirational and incorporates many things I loved about the 80s, including big hair and synthesizers.

It's a little poppy and a little motivational as far as Gossip go, but at the end of the semester (especially Fall semester, when daylight is scarce) poppy and motivational is what I need.  If you prefer your motivational music a bit more indy rock, sub in Standing in the Way of Control here.

It is rare that I prefer a cover version to the original; the RHCP rendition of Stevie Wonder's hit is one of the few exceptions to my rule.  If you'd rather, pull up the version of this song from Center Stage and take a break from studying to twirl 'till you fall over.

"If those high school kids can pull together a Glee Club performance with nothing but pluck and hard work then surely I can pass all these exams!"

Jump (Van Halen)
Deployment of David Lee Roth = automatic 10-fold boost in energy levels.  I'm serious. Try it.

Jump (Pointer Sisters)
Is it even possible to listen to one Jump without the others?  If it is, I don't want to know.

Jump (Kris Kross)
See comment above.  If you're not perked-up by now then I'm at a loss.

Okay, now I'm really at a loss.

Heat of the Moment (Asia)
If you saw "Final Countdown" and thought, "Oh, that song by Asia!" then this is for you.  It's an appropriate bookend opposite Europe, to be sure.

Did I miss a crucial song? Have a piece of music you can't live without during exam time? Tell me about it in the comments.

May you all go forth and kick much behind on your respective exams (or rubrics, as the case may be).